Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Out of Cacophony : Majestic Travesty of Storytelling from Darkness (Interlude 2 / part one)

Interlude 2 : Icelandic Saga

“I prefer to think they’ve cancelled out and that we’re too entwined in mutual surveillance to let each other go.” Ian McEwan, Sweet Tooth (369)

Once upon a time, in glamvoid, instead of stars, zillions of electric eyes’ld observe the band of the overexposed in pursuit of climes otherwise elucidated, rays from different sources to quench thirst.

Once upon a time, in glamvoid, instead of suns, camera flashes’ld announce the long sought word born out of the disintegration of corrosive noise.
In glamvoid, oversaturation by digitized oneiric imagery rules. Or, so somnambulist logic would want one to believe.

We don’t buy it.

Crawling across urban wastelands, exhausted fellow cyborgs thirst ever so intensely. Drawing closer to what they think might be the scenery of different light, messages reach them. Messages are numberless. Among them, one resonates with the nature of their search. Based on the echoes, carefully filtered, meticulously sifted, and perceived with the sensitivity granted by the correlated rhythm of their indefatigable seeking and the signals from the sites afar, they learn about a pocket of darkness on the outskirts of the city.

“roots we have no more,” they say to themselves, “aerials root us.”

Hence, they think: “we are rooted, as well.” Webwiered.

They choose daylight, when parasite signals seem to be overshadowed by different light, to find the corners of darkness promising encounters with a different version of extended moments of solitude amidst the multitudes. Solace of darkness.

Walking is the only vehicle they can afford. Underprivileged as they may be, walk, nevertheless,  they can. 
Walk they know. Because they know of the word long searched for--half-forgotten, half-dissolved in the threat of an overwhelming amnesia spreading like contagious spleen across the urbanity that seems to be redescribing its own name. Because they know how to seek. Where to look. How to walk, how to speak. Despite noise.

beyond parasite signals / beyond static / beyond noise.

“beyond glamvoid, my fellow cyborgs,” they say to each other.

That’s how they find anew strength to keep walking. Moving closer towards the peculiar dark corners, where distant cypresses whisper tales of nearly unthinkable possibility to contain noise. Spots of tales, spots of darkness.

Darkness with a strange affinity to disclosing its valences and synchronizing electric charge of its particles with the akin mollicules, thereby transforming itself into a crepuscular hue, thinning as the fellow cyborgs are populating the friendly spaces of peculiar darkness. Spots of angular tenderness, spots of quirky gentleness.

Spots that reveal what they offer : that what spreads.

Those dark enclaves turn out to be constitutive of the colossal creature whose, perhaps, most astonishing characteristic is its innerness consisting of mirrors. Thus, it is the mirror images that those weary fellow travelers find so appeasing.

“could it be that mirror images are capable of such an alleviating effect?” they ask themselves.

“possibly,” they contemplate.

Perhaps. Because those mirror images speak of different light :

words of ruby amber / words of crystallizing petals :

melting in the intersection of the time axes : DJing : against noise, and in the service of the remix.

Q : we are not robozombies!
A : we are not robozombies!

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